Twin sisters Sachiko and Kiyomi Burgin, work individually and sometimes collectively to create patterns for the hand-knitter in Ontario, Canada. Although they may look similar in appearance, their differences in personality and aesthetic are evident in their work.

Sachiko (she/her)

Sachiko studied metalsmithing and jewelry design, and despite it being a tangibly different material than wool, she uses the knowledge she obtained to work out how forms work and function on the body. Working with shape and texture, she enjoys experimenting with different forms of construction.

When she finds the time Sachiko also enjoys machine knitting, bench jewelry making, studying Japanese language, vegan baking and writing music for her band, Osmanthus. Her work has been published in sources such as Pom Pom Quarterly, Laine, Amirisu, Knit.Purl, among others.

Kiyomi (she/her)

Having always been interested in how things are made (and figuring out that she could make many things herself) it was only natural that Kiyomi gravitated towards creating knitting designs and patterns. She most enjoys making things that are simple and uncomplicated, but always likes to explore a new to her technique with every design.

Other DIY endeavours Kiyomi has taken on over the years are natural dyeing, soap making, fermenting, sewing, and more. She also enjoys studying Japanese and dancing Yosakoi. She basically has way too many hobbies and the list keeps growing.

Kiyomi has been very fortunate to see her work published in various places such as Pom Pom Quarterly, Laine, Knitscene, and most recently in Amirisu, a Japanese knitting magazine.